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Case Study: Country / function specific reports based on an employee survey for a global luxury food manufacturer

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Client industry: Luxury food products

Type of engagement: Joint effort with the client to build Excel workbook, PowerPoint template and SlideFab setup

Objective: Automatically creating individualised surveying results


A global manufacturer of luxury food products conducted a large employee surveys. It spanned across its 20 country divisions and centralised functions. Fortunately, data collection was easy: A specialised surveying tool was employed. Unfortunately, presenting the results was more challenging: Due to high standards regarding look and feel of the presentation, a PowerPoint presentation based on the corporate template was the first choice. But the surveying tool was short of such advanced features. As with most existing tools it is impossible to create individual reports for each country division and central function.


With a total of around 40 slides (containing around 150 charts, tables and titles) per report, a manual approach was infeasible. This was because that such an effort would take too long and would not be reproducible without repeating everything. Also the company wanted to avoid the risk of errors during this process.


This is where SlideFab came in. For this special situation a joint effort at building the Excel workbook and setting up the Powerpoint automation loops was undertaken: While the survey was still open, preliminary result extracts were used as a structural template to build the Excel workbook. Screen sharing was used as an effective way to train the client analyst, to discuss the needs and to partly create the model together. One slide after the other. A side-effect was that no hand-over was required at the end since the client analyst learned relevant parts on-the-fly.


Once the survey was completed, all Excel parts and the template presentations were ready to go: No big surprise happened since so many output presentations with SlideFab had been created to this point in time. Even though all these presentations to this point were using preliminary data only, the final presentations did not differ much – apart from containing the real data, numbers and charts, obviously. But the preparation of the whole automation, worked really smooth with the final data.

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