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PowerPoint Chart Export Mode

The PowerPoint Chart Export Mode is a simple way to update chart data in PowerPoint with SlideFab. As it is visible in the template presentation, it helps to make the template more readable. However, not all kind of charts are supported, e.g. chart size in bubble charts and range-based data labels do not work.

Check out also the other chart related export modes!

What it does

As the chart is already available in PowerPoint, SlideFab just tries to update its data from the Excel Source Range. In case that the number of series in the data exceeds the number in the chart, SlideFab will try to create additional series.

What it expects from PowerPoint and Excel

In PowerPoint just another chart needs to be added. The dummy data does not need to be removed.

To have the right data structure in Excel, it makes sense to copy the dummy chart data from PowerPoint to Excel. Then replacing the dummy values and labels with formulas to lookup the real data makes sense.