People often have the need to automatically create PowerPoint slides from Excel. Sometimes they don’t even recognise the potential for automation and do it manually instead. Here we will give you an overview of why the SlideFab software is ideal for this.
SlideFab make it easy to automatically create PowerPoint slides from Excel
It does not require coding skills
It has a user-friendly interface
Excel and PowerPoint windows are side by side to simplify connecting cells with shapes
It can link different elements from Excel to PowerPoint
The power of Excel formulas allow steering the automation
It supports all kinds of PowerPoint templates and styles
Linking Excel and PowerPoint requires only a few clicks
With the iteration loop feature it can create many slides at once
Creating slides automatically with SlideFab is 50x faster than doing it manually
Sounds like Robotic Process Automation for PowerPoint?
Yes, RPA and SlideFab have similarities.
We will dive deeper into SlideFab and find out what is is good for
In many cases it makes sense to automatically create PowerPoint slides from Excel
Replacing manual work through automation makes sense in many situations. This is also true for creating PowerPoint presentations. Especially when the created slides have similarities automation will pay off. In real life there are plenty of cases where data is located in Excel and need to be presented in the same manner again and again. This is where SlideFab pays off.
The PowerPoint slides might contain different elements to automate
A PowerPoint presentation might involve many different elements: shapes filled with texts, charts, tables, different colours based on some kind of logic. This is true for hand-crafted presentations. Of course, this might also be the case when someone needs to automatically create PowerPoint slides from Excel. SlideFab has a wealth of features which covers many requirements.
Find out how SlideFab is tailored to automatically create PowerPoint slides from Excel
The SlideFab software is documented in such a way that you can get an overview of the user interface. On top of this there is an explanation on what the purpose of the controls are and how they work.
As an alternative to using SlideFab you can also write some VBA code from scratch. But even though many tutorials suggest that this will be easy, many end up at Stackoverflow looking for help. If you want to get it working right away, then you can try out SlideFab Lite for free.